Nintendo Wii : Super Mario Galaxy Reviews

Gas Gauge: 95
Gas Gauge 95
Below are user reviews of Super Mario Galaxy and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Super Mario Galaxy. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 95
Game FAQs
GamesRadar 100
CVG 95
IGN 97
GameSpy 100
GameZone 98
Game Revolution 90
1UP 90

User Reviews (81 - 91 of 286)

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This game is NOT challenging...too easy :(

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 8 / 28
Date: December 28, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Don't get me wrongl; the graphics are top-notch and the score is great, but this game is way too easy. I have a feeling Nintendo purposefully made it a little easier since more and more adults are playing the Wii nowadays, and Nintendo wanted to grab their attention. I mean, Mario Sunshine and Mario 64 were challenging, but fun. Galaxy, however, you can complete a course within minutes, and you die very rarely. But, the game is enjoyable...worth $50? Probably not...

Much better than Mario sunshine

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 4 / 10
Date: November 27, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Aah Super Mario Galaxy...

The place this game shines is in the 2nd player interaction. This is really a great game for couples or just friends. Basically player 1 controls Mario, while player 2 controls this star on the screen.

The star can interact with objects in the game world (collect star bits stop enemies, from moving, make Mario jump(and endless fun ensues from making him jump at bad times lol) and shooting star bits at things)
and as such, playing the game with a 2nd player makes it significantly easier, and more fun. (since 2 people are usually better than 1)

I would recommend this game just on the multi player aspect, but thankfully since the game is so fun anyways, it is worth playing even if you don't have someone to play with.

Super Mario Galaxy- A Super Review

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 18, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Honestly, I've been a fan of Nintendo and Mario for all my life.

That said, I think I obviously had high expectations for this latest entry into the franchise. I'll be honest, Super Mario Sunshine was a bit of a letdown on the Gamecube. The game seemed to separate itself from the original Marios of yesteryear.

This is where Super Mario Galaxy changes things. From the moment you power on your console, and here those magical words "Super Mario Galaxyyyyyy", you'll feel like a little kid again.

Initially, you might sit around saying the game seems easy, but once you get into it, I think it becomes obvious it's not all about difficulty. You're immersed in massive and beautiful 3-D worlds that are brought to life on Wii. It's hard to go through the game and not be excited about what you'll see next.

My favorite part of the game has to be the soundtrack. It's orchestral and nicely complements the game itself. It's a mixture of traditional Mario themes, original songs that are revamped, and many new cues that immerse you even more into the world.

There's a fair share of mini-boss battles that keep you on your toes, along with new power-ups like Spring Mario, Bee Mario, and the Ice Flower. Even knowing what to expect, you'll catch a lot of little additions and tweaks to powerups that will surprise you.

I don't have any experience with the multiplayer aspect, but honestly, I think most people could enjoy themselves not even playing...just watching....and taking it all in. It's perfect for all ages.

Consider this a MUST-OWN Wii title...it should at least hold you over until Smash Bros. Brawl debuts


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 19, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game is even better than I thought it would be. It is probably the most addicting game I have every played as you always have time for one more star. I keep telling myself 1 more star and then I will quit, but then I don't quit until another 2 hours go by.

Nintendo did a great job of mixing the old classic elements of gameplay, music and feel into this new Mario game.

It's excellent in every way!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 20, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This is for sure the best Wii game so far. The graphics are really nice and the controls work great and easy to handle. We've tried other games where the controls were difficult to manage which made the game play unfun. Mario Galaxy is different, it makes using the Wii controls really fun. I sure hope they bring out more games like this b/c this one is a blast! Not only does my kids like it but I love playing this game too!!! Money well spent!

The Best Wii Game of 2007, A Must Buy!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 20, 2007
Author: Amazon User

When Mario arrived you could tell that he is bringing big stuff to his newest and greatest adventure yet. The galaxy is what is the most greatest appeal to this package. Never have you seen or believed the wonder of this game has to offer. When you just start playing you can see that nintendo has not lost its spark with mario. Back in 2000 when the gamecube came out, many people were afraid that mario was going down due to his newest gamcube game, Super Mario Sunshine. But nintendo still has a lot of imagination in their heads. Its just such a indescribable game, Once you buy it, all your questions will be answered. After getting home, i was completly addictive to it, not just by how fun it was, but also how amazing the graphics are. Certantly the best graphics on the wii. And probably best sound track on this consol too. This proves then that this game has all the potential of an amazing game to have. Im also looking forward to super smash bros. brawl in 2008, but to say this year mario has once again token our planet away with his most epic release to date. Im hoping to see it win best game of 2007 and hoping for you to buy it as well, and get all of your money worths the disc. Stop listening to all of us and go play the game for yourself.

A+ Music
A+ Graphics
A Gameplay
A Fun & Enjoyment

9.8 out of 10

My 10 year old son's review

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: December 11, 2007
Author: Amazon User

Well I saw the comercials for this game. I thought to myself "WOW" that game looks like alot of fun with the co-op. I got the game Saturday and I've been yelled at numerous times to turn it off. But the game is so addictive I've been threatened to be grounded. The co-op. on it though isn't to good. I found that out playing with my sister. P1 does all the work while P2 just sits around throwing little star bits. I haven't fineshed the game yet. But from this view point it's definitely up there with Twilight Princess

Wii GOTY 2007

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: December 25, 2007
Author: Amazon User

I don't have much to say as this game has left me speechless. I've enjoyed many other games on my Wii, but this is the game that makes the Wii. If you have a Wii and don't have this, buy it now.

If you don't have a Wii and don't have this, buy them both.

This Game Changed My Life Forever

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: January 04, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Super Mario Galaxy.When I first Saw this Game on Amazon, The only thing that ran through my mind was these words, and these words only.

"I have to get this for my Wii!!!"

So when it came to my birthday, I was one of the luckiest people in the history of ever to be able to have this marvelous game. It was so good, I had to make a report card just for it.

Begining/how Peach gets kidnapped A- It was like Paper Mario's begining revised.

Galaxies A+ It was amazing. Where I was and what I did there astonished me.

Power Stars and Stars able to get in worlds. A It's not to bad but you can get up to three stars in each place if you don't count Luigi.

The more important thing is...

Two days later, My Mom started a file of her own! She hasn't played much video games since I was 8! And now I find her playing on the T.V when I get home from School!

Thank You for Listening to what I have to say. Have a great time.

( I'm got it when I was 11. That was 3 years wihout Mario and Sonic and Pikachu! )

A new bar has been set

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: January 07, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Everyone expected gold with this new mario release. Mario 64 brought in a whole new era to the mario world and gave it some much needed fresh air. I'm very happy to say that if you loved or even liked Mario 64, you are going to love mario galaxy.

Graphics: Whoever said the Wii wasn't capable of good graphics is now trying to extract their foot from their mouth. Mario Galaxy is a work of art. That's right, a work of art. The graphics aren't realistic like the graphics from Crysis, and I'm glad they aren't. The first thing you'll notice are the vibrant colors. Mario 64 looks dull and flat compared to Galaxy. Mario has never looked better. The level of detail paid to both the level and characters is really much appreciated. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful.

Level Design: I was blown away by the level design in Galaxy. There is so much variety in Galaxy, it's really quite amazing. The worlds/galaxies/space rocks all look amazing. They all have their own unique feel, and all of them were carefully designed. The different environments range from lava filled worlds, beach and water worlds, graveyard/spooky worlds, breezy grassfields, space environments and many more. There were all a joy to play through.

Control: Control has always been one of Mario's strong points, but also a source of frustration. Control is very similar to 64, and you get most of the same moves with an added spin attack and such. Wall jumps are easier in Galaxy thankfully. My only source of criticism for Galaxy is the orientation. When you're up on one of those space rocks, the orientation can be a little annoying. As you move around the rock, you don't maintain the same camera orientation, and as such you have to reverse your normal controls. Who is to say which way is really up when you're in space? The orientation should have stayed the same while you're circumnavigating the rock, but nothing is perfect. One of the levels involved you making your way to the top of a collapsing structure, but you had to do the whole thing while upside down. It was a bit frustrating, but I got through it eventually. By the way, flying in mario has never been more easy. It's a shame that there are only a few times when you need to fly, because it really is a joy to fly around unlike in 64. Camera angle was better than 64, but there were still times where I just couldn't get the view I needed. Not too much of a problem though.

Gameplay: Don't worry about gameplay, the game is a lot of fun to play. On the whole, I thought it was easier than 64. I collected stars more quickly while dying much less. Also, if you die in the middle of a level, you usually get to return to a checkpoint in that level. The enemies are typical of Mario games, and the boss fights were actually easier. The boss finale was much easier than 64. 64 was a real challenge, but I beat the final boss fight in Galaxy without dying once. The easier difficulty level isn't a bad thing, and there are still stars that can be very challenging. I really didn't like the comet levels. There are a couple different comets that enter into orbit around the different worlds and change the gameplay in some way. I wasn't a big fan of these, and some of them were truly difficult to complete.

Sound: How many times do you find yourself stopping in the middle of a game to listen to the soundtrack? Probably not very often, but you will with Galaxy. It revamps a lot of old mario favorites, but a few themes were an absolute pleasure to listen to. Some were so lyrical and musical that they wouldn't sound out of place in a symphony music hall. My favorite was from that breezy level where you fly around attached to the flowers catching wind drafts. It was really beautiful. Sound is a big plus for this Game.

Overall, this is a must have for all wii owners, and a great reason for non wii owners to get a wii and play this game (if you can find one). If it weren't for the few camera and control quirks, this would be a perfect game. As it is, it is a really awesome game, and one you must play.

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