PC - Windows : RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Reviews

Gas Gauge: 73
Gas Gauge 73
Below are user reviews of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for RollerCoaster Tycoon 2. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 70
Game FAQs
IGN 80
GameSpy 70
GameZone 76
1UP 70

User Reviews (111 - 121 of 229)

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Rollercoaster Tycoon 2

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 28, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I was very disappointed in the new rollercoaster game. I didn't like the fact that you couldn't charge a fee on same of the rides nor could you charge a inter fee on same games. It just wasn't what I was looking for in this new games. The graphic was O.K. but didn't like the game structure.

Wow, a great find and price :-)

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 28, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is of course better than its predecessor, RCT 1, but it is much better than I anticipated it to be. I loved the feature where you can create a straight down drop, and where you can create a hanging coaster. I would say this is the best building game I have played so far. If you like this I recommend Sim City 3000 Unlimited, Sim City 4, or all those types of Sim games or Tycoon games.

Great Game

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 16, 2003
Author: Amazon User

I gave this game 5 stars because it is the best coaster game out there. theres plenty to do and its not boring like simms city was to me. you manage a park, place rides, make paths, place food stalls and other stalls and hire and fire sweepers and mechanics.. You can recolor the rides and place scenery anywhere. Just too much to type down.

I really thought it was amazing the people would complain when you didnt get stuff right and they puke from some of the rides too lol.

why should you buy it? It's addicting and fun game play. Also there is plenty of great support for this game at the atari message boards, including new scenes made by very talented users that you can download into the original game and play. Roller Coaster Tycoon is a must have in my opinion!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: November 10, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Dozens of new rides/rollercoasters combinded with Six Flags makes this an awesome add-on. Here's the list of new stuff.

Roller Coasters:
Intamin Hyper/Giga (Milleniam Force, Superman ride of Steel)
4th Demension Roller Coaster (X)
Giovolnia Hyper Coaster (Goliath or Titan)
Flying Coaster (no,not laydown) (Superman:Ultamite Flight)
Flying Turns (La Vibora)
Spinning Wild Mouse Roller Coaster
There are many others but here are the new types of music:
Rock Style 3
Mechanical Style
Modern Style
All B&M rides have a smooth sound and different chain sound
Elevator Lift on Giga Coaster
Six Flags Parks
Six Flags Great Adventure
Six Flags Over Texas
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Six Flags Holland
Six Flags Belgiam

Not Bad But A Challenge

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 06, 2004
Author: Amazon User

When I started to play this game I did realize that it wasn't too different from the first one. Other than the new rides and the choice of more ones to build, you still couldn't ride the ones you built. There are much better footpaths, entertainers, scenery, and rides. They took the old rides and mixed them with the new ideas. There is a lot more food and sovenier shops. As you play your money supply does go down. In a matter of two minutes you could go from $10,000 to $8,792. Overall it takes some getting used to if you owned the first game, but it is a giant step up from it. And anybody who says it is worse than the first one is wrong, it is just a challenge!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: June 02, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is abosutely incredible. You can do all kinds of stuff. Like when you build a rollercoaster I got my 'coaster going 188 mph. The scenery is awesome. You can also start out on scenerios that are easy, challenging, real (like six flags magic mountain), or expert parks. Which ever one you choose it is absolutely great. It has been worth the money, did I mention that you can change the enterance of the rollercoaster? There is all those little things that make the game first class. It is about ten times better than the first one. All I can say is BUY IT?

A Step in the Wrong Direction

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: May 22, 2003
Author: Amazon User

No matter how hard I try, I can't play RCT2 more than 15 minutes before switching back to the original RCT and its' expansion games. If I didn't know better, I would have thought this was a pre-version of the original RCT. Despite having a PC with well beyond the system requirements, RCT2 is slow to load and save games, the graphics quality doesn't look as good as the original, and overall, there's no major new features- more like modifications, and I've encountered a couple of bugs. It's really disappointing that this game doesn't stand up to it's 4-year old predecessor which I still love to play.

The BEST Infogames game YET!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 11
Date: November 03, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I have seen all the reviews for RCT2, plus, I ordered the game (but I didn't get it yet), and this game looks really REALLY cool! I have the original RCT, and I have Corckscrew Follies. So I know alot about this game. I am kind of a "Build an awesome park with lots of custom built roller coasters in it" guy; and it looks like this is the game for me. They have almost all the rides, attractions, scenery, and stuff like that from the original and the 2 expansion packs and more. Plus, this six flags idea is really neat too.
But of all the things I like about RCT, its the scenery and theming. For every park I have, I have a special theme; and RCT2 really emphisizes that on account of its go almost all the scenery from all 3 games, plus more! Its got giant garden, sports, wild west, pirates, and more!
Also, the idea that you can start from scratch is one of the best parts. Trainers don't always work for my computer, so im hoping you can adjust the amount of money you get at the beginning of the game.
Overall, this game is 1st class. If you have expirience with RCT, get it.

fun to be in charge

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 6
Date: December 24, 2002
Author: Amazon User

The game is so much fun because you get to make money and rollercoasters and be the owner of theme park.


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 13
Date: October 17, 2002
Author: Amazon User

i just got it today and its not what i expected. Its not that theres anything wrong with it but for the rct1 gamer you wont like it. Its really not that different from rct1. sure better graphics and a couple new rides but it still has most of the same problems as rct1 and its expansions. AI are just as stupid and its still lacking the game engine to recreate a real park. i was all hyped for it but now im very dissapointed. Still its on [...] i say u giv it a shot

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