Nintendo Wii : Rock Band Special Edition Reviews

Gas Gauge: 79
Gas Gauge 79
Below are user reviews of Rock Band Special Edition and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Rock Band Special Edition. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

IGN 79

User Reviews (31 - 41 of 90)

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Great Game, but I can't help but feel a bit "Ripped-Off"

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 5
Date: July 02, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I had been wanting Rock Band for awhile, but being that I don't have a PS3 or 360, and the load times for Guitar Hero on the PS2 were terrible, I was excited to finally get this game for the Wii.

First, the good:

The songs are great, the game play is great and the sound isn't as bad as some people are saying it is. It sounds great in Stereo. Unlike the Guitar only games, the drumming for this game is probably as close as your going to get for a video game. After the "Easy" level, it's rather realistic.

Now, the bad:

When your playing the Medium it shows there are 63 songs to play through. There are, but only about 50 of them are songs from known artists, and a lot of them aren't REALLY that known. The remaining dozen or so songs are of unknown acts except for one song from South Park.

So you could imagine my surprise, playing through Medium and I hit 50 (or so) songs and learned I was done. I then had to play through 8 to 10 songs I had never heard of to reach the South Park song. Not to say all the unknown songs are bad, some of them are quite good, but it was kind of annoying to say the least.

One thing GHIII had over this was the ability to just "Buy" the extra songs you wanted, but not having to play the un-heard of songs if you didn't want to. That Rock Band pretty much forces you to play them in order to open up everything is more than slightly annoying.

Also, on GHIII the "Extra" songs weren't included in the number of songs needed to play. So when you see 63 songs, you think "I'm going to get to play 63 songs that I know". Again, not the case.

The other thing missing is the lack of downloadable content. I do like the idea of having the extra "Track-Pack" and I have already pre-ordered it.

When I hear that Guitar Hero IV will feature downloadable content, and the fact that you STILL can't use a Guitar Hero guitar for play on Rock Band (for shame to both Activision and Harmonix on this one) not sure if we'll keep Rock Band once GHIV comes out. We'll have to see what we get on the forthcoming track-packs.

Overall, it's a fun game, I do recommend it for those that want a new music

Freaking [...]

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 6 / 17
Date: June 24, 2008
Author: Amazon User

We LOVED Rock Band on our friends XBox 360 and waited and waited for it to come out on Wii and were so absolutely heart broken to discover what a piece of absolute crap it was. There is no character customization like on 360, the guitar from Guitar Hero is not compatible with this system and there are no online downloads.

Buyer beware - this game freaking sucks!!!!

Great for the whole family

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 6
Date: June 22, 2008
Author: Amazon User

We have a large family (2 adults and 7 children). We love Guitar Hero and this is a new hit in our home! Its nice to have enough instruments (the drums are often taken by 2 members of the family) so that most of us can play each turn. A lot of the songs are new to us but we enjoy them just the same. The only issue we have had so far is that the guitar is a bit finicky and we are having to strum harder to get it to pick up the notes but over all very impressed.

Don't let the negative sway you, it still Rocks!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 6
Date: June 24, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Don't let all the negative hype sway you, if you love to rock out with friends this game is still worth it for the wii. It is true the online features, character creater and world tour were not included; however, all the fun is still there. If you just want to rock out then this is still a great game to have.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: June 28, 2008
Author: Amazon User

This game rocks. There are a ton of songs (63 from what I can tell so far) that are fun for all instuments. As a singer I found the game quite enjoyable and good exercise for keeping in tune and singing the correct note lengths. My friends and I had a blast rocking across the land, shredding all the while. I am looking forward to Volume 2 (even though I have yet to see the entire catalog I have now!).

Are you kidding me?

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 9
Date: June 26, 2008
Author: Amazon User

OMG.....people reviewing this game that have not played it on the wii platform. Ridiculous whining about non-vital features that do not diminish RB's core gameplay in their absence. While the PS3 & 360 editions may be superior, the wii version is a very solid addition to the Rock Band family. Moreover, I have Legends of Rock for the wii and I can tell you the online play for that is nothing to write home about. And for those you screaming about the price, think of a GHIII bundle with a set of drums at release time and the price would be roughly the same. If you just want to rock with your friends, getting on the RBW bandwagon is the way to go ;-)

GH & RBW = Lots of Rocking Fun!

Great game, given its limitations

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 25, 2008
Author: Amazon User

I was well-aware that the Wii version of RockBand would not include online play or compatibility with Guitar Hero controllers. While these announcements were disappointing, the core game is still as fun as any other version. I have played this game solo, trying out all the various instruments, as well as with some friends. Both styles of play can be fun for hours on end. I found it especially fun to try singing and playing guitar at the same time---it is both very entertaining and quite challenging. I plan to purchase the first "track pack" that was released this month to extend the playable songs. However, without the track pack I discovered that I knew more songs than expected and I enjoy playing quite a few. If online play isn't a big deal to you, don't let other reviews discourage you: the core game is incredibly entertaining without online features.

Not as Good as XBox Version

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: July 30, 2008
Author: Amazon User

The Rock Band for Wii SUCKS seriously compared to the Xbox version. On the XBox you can just download songs you want to add to your game. On the Wii, you are stuck buying the "expansion disks"...this is really nothing more than another copy of Rock Band with different WAY less songs. Considering that I already purchased the game, extra guitar, and then had to pay $30 for a disk to get 2 songs I actually like...only to have to swap Rock Band disks every single time I want to play a song on the other disk....it is not a good deal.

I suspect my husband and I will end up spending more in Track Pack's for the Wii version in the end than if we would just have just bought an xbox 360 and the Rock Band for it.

I had a blast on the xbox version at a friend's party and there's a ton of stuff you can download for it on the rockband website...but this is just sad.


And the band played on

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 12, 2008
Author: Amazon User

Rock Band is a lot of fun, whether you play it alone, with friends, or with your family. The only thing that we were a little disappointed with was the song selection. There were several good songs, but then there were a lot that weren't good. All in all, it is still fun.

A Disappointing Port

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 1 / 1
Date: August 21, 2008
Author: Amazon User

A purchased rock band for the wii expecting that it would be as much fun to play world tour as my buddies xbox 360 version. I am utterly disappointed with this game, there is NO incentive to play! the world tour for the wii version is exactly like the solo tour for the other versions. one song at a time, no set lists, no fans, no "gigs", and pretty much no fun. The fun in rock band comes from the social gatherings that rock band can entertain by creating a band cruising through the different cities passing off set lists etc... Well if you plan on getting this version you are going to be utterly disappointed because you will not find any of those "rock band" features present in this game. I suggest getting the xbox 360 version or the ps3 version.

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