Xbox 360 : Dead Rising Reviews

Gas Gauge: 81
Gas Gauge 81
Below are user reviews of Dead Rising and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Dead Rising. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 84
Game FAQs
GamesRadar 80
IGN 83
GameSpy 90
GameZone 85
Game Revolution 80
1UP 70

User Reviews (71 - 81 of 210)

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AWESOME! Mostly...

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 6
Date: August 20, 2006
Author: Amazon User

Great game. This is the ultimate fantasy come to life. Anyone who likes zombie movies will enjoy this game thoroughly. You get to wield all the classic goodness, including chainsaws. Great graphics, gripping storyline, and fun gameplay make this an event not to miss. My only gripe is the save system, which makes it very difficult to save you progress (you only get one save slot per account.) But this is nothing to keep you from getting this amazing game. Buy it. Love it. Play it again.

Dead Rising - as brilliant as it is flawed

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 3 / 6
Date: January 20, 2007
Author: Amazon User

This game is FUN. Pick up a 2 x 4, or a pipe, or virtually ANYTHING in the mall and go to work! I particularly love goring zombies with the 2 foot lipstick prop.

Where this game is SERIOUSLY SERIOUSLY flawed is in its SAVE function. Because you can only save the game in few and far between places on the map, the timer is always working against you. Plus, it will only save in one slot - you can't have multiple saves in various times in the game.

The actual missions are a downfall. Via your character's PDA, you get a note to say that two people are over in the food court. If you can get there in time, you're supposed to lead these people to safety to the mall control room. Not only do you not have enough time to do this, the moron people won't follow close behind. They'll lag around and let zombies take large chunks of flesh out of them. It's nearly impossible to keep yourself alive while escorting these people to safety.

After playing 3 days, I ended up saving the game after the "Go Get Medicine" timer had already expired. YOU WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THE GAME WOULD END WHEN A CRITICAL TIMER EXPIRED. No, I saved the game since each mission takes 3-4 tries before trekking across the zombie-infested mall back to the control room. As soon as I delivered the medicine the game automatically ended since I had ran out of time hours earlier. 3 DAYS WORTH OF PLAYTIME WASTED. Now I have to start all over.

When you first start out, you'll find yourself playing for 2 hours, getting killed, then realizing that the last 2 hours are for naught since you couldn't get to a save area.

I don't think I'll get back to this game anytime soon since I'll have to repeat 1/2 of the total game play just to get back to where I was at.

Very disappointing game from Capcom

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 5 / 15
Date: November 15, 2006
Author: Amazon User

If you do not have an HDTV, I would NOT recommend this game - you will be unable to read text on the screen - which for some reason, Capcom made it imperative that you will need in order to get critical information regarding your mission (unlike any of the Resident Evil series). I normally love Capcom games but this was a major disappointment with a costly price tag. Rent the game for less to see what a joke the screen text is.

A blast but has flaws

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: September 09, 2006
Author: Amazon User

This game is great but it has its flaws which are so frusterating. It would be perfect is they could just make the text bigger so you don't have to sit 3 feet from the tv. I mean come on. When a survivor dies you get this huge message that blocks out the whole screen practicly. When important mission information comes up you have to move close to the tv and squint to read it. With Oblivion's hours upon hours of audio dialogue it seems like a short cut that you don't get audio all the time on this game. The phone keeps ringing until you answer it which gets really annoying. Especially if your drunk and just want to kill zombies without playing through the mission. The save game system is unforgiving and terrible. All that aside. I have all the supposedley best games on Xbox 360 and this is my favorite. I can play through seriously when I feel like it or just go on and kill mass zombies. Either way while I am not proggressing in the story with the satanic save system, my character still gets better status. Maybe someday when I reach level 50 I'll actually play through the game. For now I'm satisfied just killing zombies with the seemingly endless supply of weaponry. For weapons, it pretty much does what Grand theft auto does for vehicles. Anything you can imagine you can use to kill zombies in many different ways. The ironic part is that killing zombies isn't really even absolutely neccessary to complete the game. Still, it's the best part. Even if your not that big into the zombie genre still alot of fun.


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: September 16, 2006
Author: Amazon User

don't believe the negative reviewers...this game is incredible! it's one of the best games released in the last few years, and definitely one of the best for the 360. it's a difficult game and can be frustrating, but the things it does well are flat-out great. the graphics are very good, the gameplay feels right (weapons, controls, etc.), and the story is top notch and keeps getting better the longer you play through the story or even in multiple plays. this is a superb game, a true 5 star effort. i just had to write this because i was in serious shock over seeing such negative reviews. dead rising is the s%^t.

Don't be fooled by the negative reviews. This game rules!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: September 27, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I rented this game last weekend from Blockbuster on Friday and stayed up until 5 am Saturday morning playing it. It is only a one player game, but my wife and 2 friends of ours took turns playing it. Normally, it is boring watching someone play a video game, but not this one. The atmosphere in the game is creepy, and there are an almost infinite number of ways to kill the zombies, which gives this game a nice replay value. The mall is huge, and there is a lot to explore. Adding to the replay value is a multibranching story line that has multiple game endings. To me, this is the best game I have played in several years.

The only knock I can find against this game is that you really do have to have a high def tv to play it. Even on my KDS50A2000, the font for the mall's stores on the map is still almost too small to read. I can see how this would be frustrating on a smaller tv. But, if you have a big screen, then this is the perfect game for it.

What's left after finishing it?

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: October 27, 2006
Author: Amazon User

After finishing the game, getting the true ending, and unlocking ~70% of the achievements, I have decided to re-review this game.

- I found that leveling your character up is the easiest and most accessible way to progress through the story. Also, the Small Chainsaw is pretty much required if you want to get the True Ending anything below Level 50.

- Small fonts make it EXTREMELY difficult to read in-game text, even on a brand new TV.

- At level 50, there is excessive amounts of stock clutter all over the screen, blocking your mission direction arrow in the middle of your screen.

- Otis simply calls your character WAAAAAAAY too much during the game. He also seems to strategically call in the middle of boss fights, too!

- You'd have a more successful time escorting the zombies back to the Security Room rather than the survivors, their AI seems to be more well-done than the surviviors.

- This is a very difficult game, be prepared to save status & quit several times before summoning up the courage to hit the story.

- Replay value? Infinite mode is lame, Overtime is just the extended ending to Ending B, and it is the precursor to the True Ending.

Overall it was AMAZING till I beat it. Since the day I finished it, I have not picked it up once again.

Frustrating barrels of fun!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 06, 2006
Author: Amazon User

I love this game. It's very addictive. The graphics may seem a little old-school, until you take into account the large environments and the HUNDREDS of zombies filling up the screen at any given time! There's so much to see and do in this game, especially when it comes to beating the snot (and other bodily fluids) out of the living dead! Virtually ANYTHING can be used as a weapon, and in a shopping mall the size of Willamette, you're gonna find a LOT of things lying about!

Dead Rising is HARD, though - if you plan on seeing the true ending of the game, plan on many frustrating hours of repetition. Not to be confused with tedium, you WILL be repeating the same scenarios over and over again until you finally manage to master them. The repetition IS a necessary evil you'll come to appreciate, however, as it is also the way to leveling up your character. It's a bit inspired, actually...

This game is VERY violent. Blood and gore abound! It's definitely not a game for the squeamish, nor is it intended for kids. However, even tho' it carries an M rating for Mature, the violence and setting is so cartoonish in nature, I would consider the game more deserving of a T for Teen rating. Parents should check it out themselves to be sure, but if you let your teens watch horror movies, this will actually be pretty tame for them...

A flawed Gem

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: November 07, 2006
Author: Amazon User

This game has a great sense of humor, plethora of weapons and cool little easter eggs. I love the gameplay and the challenge that the game provides. People who complain about the save issue must not realize that there are save points throughout the mall and that the save system in this game isn't any different than in the GTA games (you have to go back to home base in an area to save). The main turnoffs are that non HD tv owners will struggle with the small text, you can't do anything while receiving a mission on the phone (really annoying) and I didn't like the time system. I wish I could explore the mall at my leasure as opposed to being rushed all the time. Also, if you're having a tough time with the difficulty, kill Adam in Wonderland plaza (one of the first Psychopaths in the game) and get his chainsaws (and save the guy so you get the shortcut) and there are 3 books (I can't remember what they are, look on GameFaqs or something) and that Chainsaw will last forever and kill just about anything in 1-2 hits (bosses maybe 6-7). The story is bad/unintentionally funny...just like a B-horror movie. That'll be good for some and bad for others. Also, its great dressing up in a woman's dress and wearing a lego head. Makes for some hilarious cut scenes. A pretty good game overall, just don't expect perfection.


A couple other things...The end of the game is lame if you follow the case files, there's nothing to do at all for the last 12 hours except talk to 1 person and that gets pretty boring. Also, Infinite Mode IS NOT being able to play the game at your leisure with no time, it's a survival mode that in order to complete, you must play it for 14 HOURS STRAIGHT without being able to save or turn your x-box off. These were mostly the reason I gave the game 4 stars and not 4.5 or 5.


If you like Down of the Dead...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: January 16, 2007
Author: Amazon User

A lot of Zombies, a lot of weapons, a lot of fun.

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