
SNES : Mega Man X3 Reviews

Below are user reviews of Mega Man X3 and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Mega Man X3. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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An absolute masterpiece: zenith of the X series

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 7 / 7
Date: March 06, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Mega Man X3(1995). Part three of seven.

Reintroducing the MM franchise on the SNES turned out to be a great success for both Capcom and the fans. X1 brought forth a new twist to MM gaming, and X2 continued to push its greatness even further. By then, the X series was well received and fans were satisfied for the time. Then, enter X3. Surprisingly, this new game got very little to no attention by fans, and was more often then not dismissed as just another MM game. Part of the blame for this came from Capcom, for not releasing very many copies. So gamers settled for only the first two X games and ignored the third one. After finally playing it for myself I must say, PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE MISSING HERE! This game is the defining entry of the series, and yet IT'S EXTREMELY UNDERRATED! WHY? Let's take a closer look at X3:

-GREAT STORYLINE. A reploid scientist named Dr. Doppler builds a neuro-computer that manages to suppress any Maverick-like tendencies a reploid would develop. This worked so well that the reploids decided to build the perfect utopian reploid city called "Dopplertown". However, Doppler only wanted to do this in order to build an army of reploids who would change to mavericks at his command. Throughout the game and up to the end, there are some very good story elements introduced.
-The ability to play as Zero. Okay, so you can't control him everywhere like you can in the next few sequels, but it still helps. Anywhere in a level up until a boss, you can call Zero to replace X. He's not much different from controlling X, but his bigger size and Z-Saber charge attacks give him some distinction.
-LOADS OF SECRETS TO FIND. That's right. There are many more secrets to find in X3 than in X2, AND THEY'RE ALL HIDDEN VERY WELL. In addition to the standard armors, subtanks, and heart tanks, there are also armor ride chips, super armor parts, and Zero's saber to collect.
-A PERFECT ASSORTMENT OF ROBOT-RIDE-ARMOR-VEHICLES. Once you find the standard RRAV, you can call on different RRAVs when you locate the three other chips. They come in handy in a variety of situations. For instance: if X needs to bash through ice, the K-RRAV can crunch through with its spinning spike claws.
-ALTERRING THE LATER BOSSES OF THE GAME BY DEFEATING EARLIER ONES WITH CERTAIN WEAPONS. There are only a couple of places where you can do this, but it can affect key areas. For instance, if you defeat Bit and Byte with the proper weapons (I'm not gonna say what they are, find them yourself!), you get to face a different boss during one of the Doppler stages.
-THE STAGES HERE ARE THE MOST WELL DESIGNED OF ALL THE X GAMES. They are all lengthy and challenging, yet complex enough to give the player secrets to find. Sadly, after X3 Capcom downgraded themselves to making the stages merely easy, linear warm-up exercises for X gamers (however, Capcom did bring back the complex stages in X6)
-Contrary to popular belief, MOST OF THE MUSIC HERE IS AWESOME AND FITS THE X SERIES VERY WELL, unlike much of X5 and X6's music. Well, not every tune is good, but EVERY BIT OF IT STILL ROCKS! The music may not have the catchiness of other X game tunes, but many of them (Zero intro stage, Crush Crawfish, Volt Catfish, and Vile's level) are very good and memorable.
-One last pro, THE BOSSES HERE ARE THE MOST DIFFICULT TO BEAT. This is a very good thing, and something that its sequels are seriously lacking in. One thing I will point out is that many of the bosses MUST be beaten with another weapon, which forces you to figure out where to start. I won't say where.

-ZERO ONLY GETS ONE LIFE! Why?? If you die just once with Zero, you can NEVER play as him again, unless you start a new game. This means you can't make any stupid mistakes such as slipping onto a patch of spikes, if you wish to keep him the whole game. Also, YOU CAN'T USE HIM TO FIGHT BOSSES. It's a bit disappointing, but I'm not complaining.
-While most of the game's music is very good, a couple of tunes such as X's intro theme and Blizzard Buffalo's theme come off as droning and annoying. Still, this is better than the bad music of later sequels.
-Most people won't be instantly attached to X3 as much as its prequels. Just give this game time to grow on you, and many fans will find this to be one of the best (if not the best) X game.

Despite the fact that this game lurks in the towering shadows of its prequels, X3 is the defining episode and a very strong MM and SNES game in which Capcom mastered the X series in the gameplay and story department. I give X3 five stars for being overall the best game in the X series. From here, things would change a bit. X4 saw the series upgraded in terms of graphics, and it stayed true with the action, but the lack of a proper challenge factor hurt the series, and it continued to be a greater problem in X5 and X6. Despite this, by all means, play every X game. Beginners, start with X1, X2, or X4. Then move onto the others. If you are a true fan of MM games (like me), get equipped with elec beam, do yourself justice, and hunt down this game. But don't just go by what I've said. Only when you have played X3 for yourself will you truly understand why it's one of the greatest MM games of all time...

Mega Man X3

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 5 / 5
Date: December 05, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Anybody who owns a snes I HIGHLY recommend that you get this game. It is the best out of any mega man game. It has awesome armors, hard bosses, lots of secrets, and you can play as zero. Please get this game!

Quite possibly the best MegaMan game ever made.

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 5 / 5
Date: October 26, 2003
Author: Amazon User

You're selling this game for too much money. You people must enjoy thinking how much agony you put people like me through by selling a game I've wanted for 7 long years. A day will come when I'll finally be able to call this game my own. But appearently that day isn't now. $95.00. Oh my god. My birthday is coming this week, I'd get this game but I'm not spending $95.00 for it. I'd spend $40.00 at most. I can only hope that Gamestop is still selling that $40.00 copy of a game I wanted just as much known as MegaMan X2.

Now then, my memories of this kick ass game remain the same. Memories of playing Capcoms masterpiece. It's a shame how all the other MegaMan X games have ended up after this one. Everything was done well.

Graphics: 9/10

Everything was sharp and clear. For a SNES game you don't expect much. For a SNES game you didn't expect to see what this game offered. I'll admit the graphics aren't anything spectacular but they were very well done. Graphics don't mean half a mouse fart in MMX games though.

Music: 10/10

The dramatic music from X2 is gone and is now replaced by some guitars. I loved the boss music and the music when you fight Vile the most. The music in this game was probably my favorite in any MMX game. Yes I did play X4 and X5. In fact I just beat X5 for the umpteenth time today.

Sound: 10/10

Sound is great and done well. Nothing much to explain here. Really.

Gameplay: 10/10.

Ah yes the gameplay. This game is a platform shooter. It's fun as hell. There are many hidden things for you to find. Basically there are 8 levels with a boss. You choose a level and fight the boss at the end. When you beat a boss you get their special weapon. A bosses weapon is effective on another boss. Example, you beat Gravity Beetle and get the Gravity Well which can be used to make short work of Blast Hornet. In the levels, there are many enemies for you to try out your X-Buster and weapons on. There are tons of hidden stuff like armor capsules which are used to power up X and heart tanks which increase your energy.


Kick ass game, now lower the price damn you!

Third time's the charm...

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 6 / 7
Date: December 09, 2003
Author: Amazon User

As with the original Mega Man series, the X series hits its highest point with the third installment in the series. Enter Dr. Doppler, creator of Doppler Town, a seemingly benevolent scientist with also dark intentions. He resurrects Vile and attempts to destroy X and Zero, who pose his threat to his mysterious plot (and someone else's plot...). The fact that this game is so damned rare ticks me off because this is truly the finest game in the series. It's completely understandable if you don't own this game because of its rarety, but if you don't know own the game simply out of spite, YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU ARE MISSING. Read on for the GOOD and the BAD (why don't you people stop copying me and stick to your PROS and CONS??!) about this game and if you don't want to, read anyway or you face the fires of Hell:

Zero is a playable character! Finally, the bad[***] is available to control! He does have his shortsights, however (get to that later). The graphics are good as always, and unlike the previous two, this game was a LOT harder. Not necessarily balls-to-the-walls hard, but a pleasantly increased difficulty. There are many secrets to find like the armor pieces and the awesome armor chip that lets you have all 4 armor enhancements at once! There's a point in the game when you can adopt Zero's lightsaber (sorry, no spoilers! Find out how to get it yourself!). While I love Mega Man X2, this one did have a more complete storyline than X2. Nice to know Capcom decided to give it more a story to increase gaming value.

I've noticed several people (mainly outside of Amazon) that diss on the music score. While some of the music (like Blizzard Buffalo's, for example) just seem to drone, there were other tunes that struck me as ultimate, such as Gravity Beetle and Volt Catfish's themes. Plus, Vile returns... and since he's the Boba Fett of Mega Man X, he rules.

Once Zero dies, he's gone for good. I don't understand WHY Capcom decided to do this; the only reason I can think of would be to make the game more difficult. Still, making Zero a [w]ussy is a deadly sin. Other than that, no more gripes.

This rare gem is one of the finest games to emerge from the Super NES series. At first, it seems strange; the ol' Mega Man feeling that was strongly in the first X game and somewhat in X2 seems almost absent here... nevertheless, this game takes on its own feeling and it's pulled off exceptionally, making it the best X game in the series. Don't let this rare gem escape... it's a fine collector's treasure (and I shun all of you who want this game purely for "completing the X series." This is a well-made game that deserves to be played! Those who want the game out of love should have FIRST dibs always.).

If you like Mega Man, that's good enough reason to get this

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 4 / 4
Date: February 02, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I have played 10 Mega Man games total, and this one is arguably the best one played. The urgrades, armors, the bosses, basically everything is tight! You can play as Zero, but I gave this game only 4 stars because he can't finish an entire stage (with the exception of the 2nd Doppler stage). My favorite upgrade is the X-Buster, where I can cross-charge both shots, which is good. Anyways, if you want it, try and get it. I warn you though, this game is rare, so do your best to get it.

Mega Man X3 - The Greatest In The Series!!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 4 / 5
Date: October 10, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Mega Man Fans, this is the one your looking for! If you own a SNES, you MUST get this game! It is a lot better than the first two, because you can play as Zero and there are twice as much stuff to find than in the other previews X games. I recommend this game to all SNES owners, and especially Mega Man fans. If you get your hands on it, keep it! because this game is EXTREMELY rare. This is the best game made for the SNES. GET IT!

I love It

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 3 / 3
Date: March 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game is awesome.It keeps moveing ,is nice and challenging, and real fun to play. I have all the Mega man games and this one is my favorite. If you are to get one Mega Man X game, this is the one.

Gamer since 1988

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 3 / 3
Date: March 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game is great in story and that fact that this is the only Mega Man X game where Capcom has decided to added extra capsules that are chips that will enhance your armor. It's cool that Zero is a playable character but he becomes pointless to play as because Mega Man X becomes so much stronger than zero when he gets his armor, plus Zero can't fight bosses. I say get this game because you get a new villian called Dr. Doppler....

Excellent game!

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: June 20, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This game is an incredible addition to the X games. BUT...it's hard, I mean it. No matter which Marverick you choose to tackle first, you'll have to struggle to defeat him (although after the first one it won't be so hard since you'll have the weakness of another Marverick). But probably the hardest boss in the game is the 2nd form of Sigma (also his final), I mean this guy is HARD! VERY HARD!, it is almost imossible to HIT the guy, but once you memorize his pattern, know exsacly where to shoot (which has to be with a medium-charged or charged shot), have a little luck and get your self in the ''zone'' you'll beat him (not to mention that you'll have to have lightning quick reflexes and all 4 Sub-Tanks full!!!). So all in all, X3 is an Awsome game but I would not recommend this game as your first MegaMan X game because of it's high difficulty unmached by the other X games (Heck! this was the last X game I played and I still had to struggle in the final boss! And I have the complete series!!!!) But if you love X games and wan't a good challeng the pick this game up, NOW!!!


This game is EXTREMLY hard to find, so good luck...


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 2 / 2
Date: December 29, 2002
Author: Amazon User

I own the Japanese Version of the game, and Mega Man X3 is BY FAR the BEST Mega Man ever made!!! I've beaten the game hundreds of times, and I really think it should come to GBA. It's a very rare & expensive title, though, because Capcom stopped making the game earlier than usual. ... users will have to pay a pretty penny for the game, but in all reality it is worth it; buy it before it becomes impossible to do so.

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