
SNES : Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Reviews

Below are user reviews of Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

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I turned it off once I found out you can jump...

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 7 / 18
Date: February 08, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This really isn't a part of the Final Fantasy series. It's just labeled as such so it would sell better here in the US. And yes... you can really jump in this game...


1 Rating: 1, Useful: 4 / 10
Date: March 21, 2005
Author: Amazon User

I am a huge final fantasy fan. But this is just dumb.

Basiclly its a final fantasy ripping of legend of zelda. What were they smokeing when they came out with this!!!!!!!!!

Avoid it, even if it's free

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 3 / 6
Date: October 28, 2005
Author: Amazon User

Honestly, I never imagined that a Final Fantasy game could go wrong. Even the terrible FFX and X-2 I was able to enjoy. However, this piece of crap never even approaches enjoyable. Unless you're a collector who MUST have every FF game/merchandise out there, avoid it like the plague.

Too Easy

1 Rating: 1, Useful: 2 / 5
Date: September 17, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Lets face it, this game shouldn't even be called Final Fantasy because of the crummy map. It's not even challenging! You will get SO BORED after killing the same enemies over and over in a one hit K.O all the time. It's plot is the worst of them all. This is the worst game to ever hit the FF series.

Who's fantasy is this?

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 9 / 18
Date: January 03, 2005
Author: Amazon User

This game is the worst final fantasy game I've ever had the misfortune to play. The bad graphics are only masked by the horrific gameplay & loss of convincing Heros, not to mention the absence of convincing story-lines that made the Final Fantasy series such a huge hit! The only fantasy that comes to mind when playing this game is the fantasy of killing yourself or throwing it out the window and praying to God for the souls of the people who put this game on the market. I warn all new-comers to the final fantasy world: DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME! If your looking for a good final fantasy game to start up with I recomend Final Fantasy I & II Dawn of Souls for the GameBoy Advance, or Final Fantasy Origins for the PSone.

Written by:

ShadowMage (The game maniac)


2 Rating: 2, Useful: 6 / 11
Date: June 29, 2001
Author: Amazon User

I know there's some of you who'd like to see this game get 1 star, but come on, it's not THAT bad. For example,the music, although not excellent throughout, is pretty good. My favorites are the Volcano, Boss, and Gale Mountain themes. The Boss theme is ESPECIALLY good,though, one of the best I've heard. I know that many of you complain, "Oh, I don't like the random battles." Well let me ask you this: Would you prefer 10 (TEN) MANDATORY battles on the world map before you can go on to the next area? I didn't think so. The dungeons and caves are a different story, though, as you can avoid most enemies (they appear onscreen)--unless you're going down a one-way tunnel. So the battles are a mixed bag, as you can see. Next, being a very early SNES title, the graphics and story are very bland--compared to later Squaresoft titles. Amazingly enough, I'm GLAD that Squaresoft made this game. Yes, GLAD. Why? Because when a system first comes out, companies aren't too sure what the full potential of that system is. Wouldn't it be dreadful if Squaresoft tried to put their BEST storyline, characters, music, gameplay, you name it, into this first game--only to realized that the SNES can't handle it, or that they could have done better later on? So I guess you could call this an EXPERIMENTAL Squaresoft game, just a way of sticking one's toe in the water. And before you start slapping your green numbers down in front of the cashier or reaching for the DOWNLOAD button, I suggest that you read other reviews--do a Google search or something--beforehand.

Final Fantasy Jr.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 3 / 4
Date: September 20, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Some might say that to compare Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest to the rest of the series is unfair, since it was clearly aimed at a younger audience. However, when you use a brand name to sell a product, the product had better live up to that name. This game is not a Final Fantasy game, and only a complete FF completist should own it. It takes under 10 hours to beat, and even a six year-old could probably beat it. That's pretty much the point of it. Final Fantasy II and III for the SNES are far, far better than this monstrosity, and they still remain my two favorite games of all time. Save your money and buy those instead.

I've played worse. Not FF material, but good for kids.

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: March 25, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Though any SNES game bearing the title "Final Fantasy" can now be called a collector's item, this is definitely the least sought after of the bunch. This is a hard game to appreciate having experienced parts 4 and 6, but for younger gamers, this is the perfect game. The story is strictly storybook-standard fodder, non-violent and pleasing to simple minds. The graphics and music are not even worth mentioning, as they cannot rightfully be called Final Fantasy material.

But considering the target market, it would be unfair to totally trash this game. If I had a son, I would get this game for him as an into into RPGs. The better installments could wait. I wouldn't call this game the "Worst RPG Of All Time", since I have played much, much worse.

The worst FF

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 3
Date: May 06, 2002
Author: Amazon User

This is a good intro to RPGs but I would say if you are over 10 you will not find this game fun at all, try all the others on Super NES and PS and PS2 but this one. First of all it has a really bad setup for battles it has a very easy but boring battling system and gets to where you don't want to play it. I would not recommend this game.

Possibly the Best of the Series

2 Rating: 2, Useful: 2 / 5
Date: June 14, 2002
Author: Amazon User

Maybe that's a little unfair. I'm admittedly not a big Final Fantasy fan (Square has made some other stuff which I enjoy). The FF series is mostly okay, but Mystic Quest is terrible.

Mystic Quest was, as far as I know, a pitiful attempt by the Japanese dominated market of the time to create a 'trainer' RPG for stupid Americans. Those stupid Americans were woefully underestimated.

Mystic Quest has a plot more suitable for a side-scroller than an RPG: Find the four crystals and kill the main bad guy, and thereby save the world. That's about it. The standard talking and house invasion system is used, but nobody really has anything to say.

There is a small assortment of friendly characters who join your party at the game's discretion. They don't really have much to say, either. The one guy is a ninja, I guess, which is nice. He was my favorite.

The combat system is nothing, just straight turn-based attack button pressing. You can also cast one of a small number of spells, using a system in which you can cast a certain number of each spell type (white, black), rather than using magic points. Also, for some reason, unless you change it, your HP are represented by bars rather than numbers. Between towns, you fight in arenas (by the way, there is no wandering in the wilderness) which are boring, but you get prizes, so I did them anyway. There are also only random encounters in some of the dungeons, and set monsters is the others (one is even a mixture of the two). Don't ask why. Having mostly non-random monsters earns Mystic Quest its first star.

The graphics are downright bad, but I've come to expect that from old games. They aren't too much worse than, say, FFIV. The music, on the other hand, is great for old school stuff. Good enough to earn Mystic Quest its second star.

Anyways, Mystic Quest is awful, though almost comparable to FFIV, but much worse. Maybe it is good for training people into RPG's. Someone who is young and hasn't played any RPG's. Maybe. It took me ten hours to beat, but could be done in five if you didn't mess around. Take some advice from someone who paid 10$ for Mystic Quest: If you can't find it for [money]$ or less, don't bother.

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