PC - Windows : Final Fantasy VII Reviews

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Gas Gauge 84
Below are user reviews of Final Fantasy VII and on the right are links to professionally written reviews. The summary of review scores shows the distribution of scores given by the professional reviewers for Final Fantasy VII. Column height indicates the number of reviews with a score within the range shown at the bottom of the column. Higher scores (columns further towards the right) are better.

Summary of Review Scores

Game Spot 80
Game FAQs
CVG 90
IGN 82

User Reviews (71 - 81 of 203)

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5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: January 12, 2000
Author: Amazon User

I really like this game, though once I got to, the cave, at Red XII home, My battle bar, got garbled, and When they spoke they were all garbled aswell, though I made it threw alright, and have found no problems with it. Except, that if you push anybutton, while a movie is playing your computer can't handle it well, and may crash, but you could exspect that from a P.C game. Also, The graphics are good, the story line, and The battles are the coolest, It is just a great game. Also I have a question for anyone out there that can answer it for me. THe question is : The girl Aeris, is named Aeris, in the battles and in the book, but, on posters, I have seen they call her AERITH, okay confused or what? Weird, is it short ofr Aeris or what, help! If anyone seen this, could you tell me, or if you know why or have a idea, please tell me, it is just baffled me?

Easily, one of the best RPGs

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: January 05, 2001
Author: Amazon User

Final Fantasy VII is easily one of the greatest RPGs ever made. This game is incredible. I haven't played Final Fantasy IX, but up until VIII, this game is definently up there in the best Final Fantasy games. The graphics in the cutscenes are absolutley unbelievable! It looks VERY realistic and more enhanced than many games I have played before this. The soundtrack is great! I love the music on this game. Even though the PC version is all in MIDI files, the music is still incredible. The story is very involving and feels like you are with the party during this great adventure. This game definently has 50+ hours of gameplay and it'll keep you interested for, literally weeks.

The best game ever!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: June 23, 2001
Author: Amazon User

This game is so cool. Everything about it is just so wonderful. The game has great graphics, excellent characters, a fantastic storyline, interesting villians, cool places, and a lot, lot more. The game has a lvoe triangle between Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockheart, and Aeris Gainsborough. Cloud Strife is a merchany who thinks he is an ec-SOLDIER. But he will soon discover his true identity. Tifa Lockheart is a young woman who works at a bar. She has strong feelings for Cloud, but needs to work up the nerve to express them. She has many romantic scenes with him. She also is Cloud's childhood friend. Barret is the captain of the AVALANCHE group, and talks in slang and ebonics. He may look tough, but underneath theirs a kind hearted man. Cait Sith is a fortune teller, or so he says. You'll be shocked when you find out his real identity. Aeris Gainsborough is a flower girl from the slums. But she turns out to also be an ancient, and makes a life-altering descion, where she risks her life and dies. But you'll be shocked as what happens to her. Cid Highwind is a pilot. But he has a dream he must full-fill. How will he do it? Red XIII is a specimen, but is actully the grandson of Bugenhagen, a kind old man who studies the life of the planet. Red XIII soon finds out that his father was a lot different then he thought. Yuffie Kasragi is a their or in her words a "Materia Hunter". She wants some materia from Cloud and the gang. But after a certain event, could she be there for more. Vincent Valentine is a man of mystery, with a lost love. You'll soon find out about his past, his lost love, and his relations with Professor Hojo. Those are the characters. The villians are equally as interesting. The shinra is like a whole FBI gang, but we get to learn each and every one of them's personalities. DOn Corneo you'll find entertaining. But Sephiroth is the main villian, who will change everyone's life forever. Cloud and Sephiroth have a fight that await them. But first you msut adventure on a long, long journey before you take on Sephiroth. With many romantic scenes, lots of game-altering decisions, chances to go on a date with many different characters due to the choices you make, a great storyline, excellent characters, and fun action, this game is an excellent game. It also works with the struggle of finding yourself. This game will have you playing forever. The storyline is great! The game is great. this is the best game ever!

This game rules all!

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: September 21, 2003
Author: Amazon User

This game is really the BEST. Of course, FF8 and FF10 are better, but for me this game came out-rank those games. Why? Well, FF8 has a good story, but FF7's is better. FF10, yeah it's good, most probably as FF7's. What makes this game appears bad is the graphics.

Characters 9/10
The characters are a piece of lovely work! All of them are good; Cloud the confused ex-soldier, Tifa Cloud's childhood mate and companion in 'Avalache', the Tough Barret and leader of Avalanche, quiet and cute Aerith, Foul-tounged but kind hearted Cid, the enigmatic Red XIII, the sneaky Yuffie and the mysterious man Vincent. Quite a mix for a good story.

Storyline 10/10
Man, the story makes total sense. Many twists in the story and complications make the story more exiting. The idea of personal problems to be solved is also good.

Sound 9/10
The sound is also good. I like the music, and it is as good as the sounds of FF10.

Graphics 6/10
Ok, graphics are quite good, but it is no match to FF10's graphics. On the world map and in places, they are just like dolls (which is the most i hate in this game), but in the cut-scenes and during battles they are good, really good!

This is what I hate most from people. They say that it isn't good cos of graphics (maybe they're a bit right), and because of the sound sometimes. In a game, what counts is the STORY for me, because if the graphics are good and story is very bad, that game is ruined. I can't see any defects in the sound either! So, who played knows what i mean, and who says that it sucks open your eyes well.



5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 2
Date: November 06, 2005
Author: Amazon User

An interesting aspect of the Final Fantasy series was that all of the games were essentially an experiment. The first game was the ultimate experiment: will this game succeed or will Square go under? But each game was a stage in development.

FF- Choosing party, and character sprites in battle
(Before that, the Dragon Warrior games had battle head-on)
FFII- wound-developable characters
(Romancing SaGa later employed this, when you survive near death your hp goes up, when you fight alot attack goes up, etc.)
FF3J- simple job system (completely changes characters, no permanent skills)
FF4- Changing characters (a dark knight becomes a paladin)
FFV- Advanced job system (level up with one of the non-command skills to default class, and you permanently learn it, for instance the run skill you can learn from the thief, and then de-equip it)
FFVI- basic GF system (mainly just boosts skills)
FF7- basic weapon system
FF8- GF system
FF9- I heard it had some sort of advanced weapon system where different weapons learn different magic, never bought the game

Likewise, the plot in each was experimental. They fiddled around with the crystal concept in FF1, FF3J, FF4, FFV. They had ruthless kings, dark overlords, and the occasional malicious squid. But the most intense game I have played so far was Final Fantasy 7. Why? Well, when halfway through the game your character doesn't even know who he is anymore, it is pretty interesting. Not to mention you have combos to build, chocobos to raise and race (never was good at this), and some pretty weird items to collect (I mean honestly, what other game has you give some girl digestant in exchange for perfume and a dress for your male character to wear).

Great game---but . . ..

3 Rating: 3, Useful: 3 / 17
Date: August 12, 2000
Author: Amazon User

No doubt about it, FF7 is a great game. Awesome graphics, cool story, very well-thought out.

So why'd I take it back?

Because I am not a big fan of swearing. If you don't want a game that swears at you every ten minutes, DO NOT GET THIS GAME. If swearing doesn't bother you, go ahead----you won't regret it.

A Work Of Art Not Given The PC Enhancements It Deserved

4 Rating: 4, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: June 08, 2000
Author: Amazon User

I must admit that Final Fantasy 7 is more than just a bunch of pingy sound effects, orchestral quality tunes, and colorful graphics. It's more than just a waste of time.(30-60 long hours) It is an emotional mind trip that takes you into a world where you take on the role of a hero with an assortment of psychological problems, indeed human flaws. The emotional depth of Cloud's interactions with his companions is both heartwarming and sad. (Spoiler Warning) The death of Aeris at the end of Disc 1 will spur you on in hope of seeing the vile Sephiroth dead at your doing.The man against man war that his Final Fantasy 7 starts there. Cloud against Sephiroth as well as at times Cloud against Cloud.The script at times is childish and at times doesn't exactly have the greatest syntax but it works. By the end of this adventure in imagination you will be completely spent. The ending sequence is magnificent and is quite long. As far as the game itself it deserves a five and then some but the technical negligence in the development of the PC version is just unacceptable even if it maybe forgivable and perhaps understandable from a monetary perspective. Final Fantasy 7 should have had scalable resolutions all the way up to 1600 * 1200 and beyond and supported 32 bit color. The movies should have been redone to also support higher resolutions.(AVI really looks pathetic.)In summation the story of Final Fantasy 7 has a number of flaws that are acceptable and don't destroy the overall experience, but the graphically low resolution as well as compatibility issues and the grainy AVI cinematics(They were caused by stretching 320*240 to 640*480 resolution)are too much not to be a bit annoyed. In short, the translation to the PC seems to show an apparent lack of effort on the part of the developers.

Greatest Game ever Made

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: February 11, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Final Fantasy VII is the best final fantasy, the best rpg, and the best game ever made, its a great rpg made by Squaresoft, on wich you can control 3 of 9 characters simultaneously...it also have the best magic system! It rockz!


5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: September 28, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Ok, I just finished reading most of the reviews and i would like to kick some sense into the people who badmouth this game.
It swears...Ooooo...that is isignificant to the massivly godly game this is. Also i read one where it said it is not an RPG. What-The-Heck. This is under the RPG section. Do you need to be reminded what makes a game a Role Playing Game?!?!?
Also they say the main character is stupid.... COMON!!!
Cloud, an awsome name, was givin to the coolest of all RPG characters! Hes got cool hair, i wish i had could have that style....And his weapon! its SWEET i mean just look at it!
Ok....now to the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story line is great..classic..memorable..and exciting. The dialog is funny and intersting.The amount of minigames is overwhelming and they are fun.
The battle system is outrageuosly gorgeuos and is very complex (in my opinion)
The extra characters are very cool and give a new twist to the game. And for each character there is a history that you get to expierence.
Buy this if you havent. And if you havent you should have. And if you didnt than you should go to a doctor to find out what problems you have becuase you must have if u havent...

Second Best Game Ever

5 Rating: 5, Useful: 1 / 3
Date: October 05, 2003
Author: Amazon User

Second best game EVER!! Possibly best game if you don't think Final Fantasy 3 (FF VI in Japan) is the best game ever.

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